HOME Art Project for and at Amstelveen
- 2020-2024

HOME Art Project
- 2021-2023
HOME Art Project WHERE DO YOU FEEL AT HOME? Currently 1.8 million inhabitants of non-Dutch origin live in the Netherlands.
HOME Art Project for and at Amstelveen
- 2020-2024

HOME Photography Project Japan & Peru
- 2019- 2020
HOME Photography Project Japan & Peru 2019 HOME Photography Project Information about HOME Photography Project | PDF English | PDF

Labyrinth | 2017
- 2018-2014
Artwork for twinning anniversaries Amstelveen, Berlin Tempelhof-Schöneberg (Germany) & Villa El Salvador (Peru). The labyrinth is a symbol that is

The Moving House | 2019
- 2019- 2020
The Moving House The Moving House | Artist-in-Residence | 2017 | PE Film of a colourful house form ‘moving’ through

Art Competition Humboldt Forum Berlin The Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Palace will open at the end of 2019. In

A piece of art you can eat | 2016
- 2018-2014
A piece of art you can eat ‘A piece of art you can eat’ | Installation | Performance Sociale Verzekerings

From close by & Far away | 2016
- 2018-2014
Symposium Wool | ES 'from close by and faraway' | El Arreciado 2016 | ES In 2016 I participated in

Sandhouse-project China | 2014
- 2018-2014
Sandhouse-project: Stillness, Movement and Transience 'Sandhouse-project' | Installation | Xiamen 2014 | CN ‘During Rhode's stay in Xiamen, China, she

Performance Roses | 2014
- 2013-2009
The woman who counts the rose patals ‘The woman who counts the rose petals’ |Installation | Performance COBRA Museum |

Classroom_the way of learning | 2012
- 2013-2009
Classroom_the way of learning | NL We travel many paths as we grow and develop throughout our lives. These paths