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Open Air Exhibition_HOME Art Project

Open Air Exhibition
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The HOME Art Project finishes with an outdoor retrospective exhibition. A printed and digital catalog will be published in the month of November. During this exhibition of the HOME Art Project, the photos taken for the project will be presented in the form of flags, which will be visible and accessible to everyone in an open-air setting. These flags will be on display along the edge of Broersepark and some on the square of Atelier 2005 in Amstelveen.
From 21th of September -22th of October 2023

whats going on

HOME Art Project

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Thanks to Stichting STOKROOS, Gemeente Amstelveen and SDG Sustainable Development Group MW Mean  Well ________________________________

COBRA Museum voor Moderne Kunst

from March 10 to May 7, 2023

HOME Art Project is an ongoing art project for all residents of Amstelveen and their 142 different nationalities. Stephanie Rhode photographed people from Amstelveen with a white house made of wool. These photos are on display in this pre-exhibition. In doing so, she asked the questions, “What does HOME mean to you? Is it your friends and family, personal belongings or is it perhaps a place in nature or a certain environment that makes you feel at home? In short, what do you associate with HOME?”

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whats going on

HOME Art Project

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Thanks to Stichting STOKROOS and Gemeente Amstelveen
Currently 1.8 million inhabitants of non-Dutch origin live in the Netherlands. Together they represent two hundred nationalities, of which 139 nationalities live in Amstelveen alone. ‘HOME Art Project’ is an art project in which visual artist I trie to make a connection between inhabitants from different nationalities and backgrounds through a universal theme such as HOME.


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whats going on

‘Moving Drawing’: Plants passing through

Botany during the Pandemic
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The small plants and flowers that bloom along the banks of the Amstel and the Waver (small river near the Amstel) caught my attention. With astonishment I saw how they changed on a daily basis from cautious stalks into a large strong plant, before returning the earth and eventually be overgrown by other plants. A simple and everyday phenomenon, but when you stand still you suddenly see it through different eyes. film

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Urban Sketching

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Tekenen op vakantie of wel Urban Sketching

Tekenen op vakantie, tijdens een stedentrip of gewoon in de natuur wordt ook wel Urban Sketching genoemd. De Urban Sketching beweging is in 2007 in de stad Seattle ontstaan en inmiddels zijn er wereldwijd duizenden kunstenaars en hobbyisten die zich er mee bezig houden. Meestal wordt in tekenboeken schetsmatig getekend, geaquarelleerd en met collages gewerkt. Het is een soort getekend verslag van wat men dagelijks ziet en meemaakt.

Tijdens deze workshop leer je hoe je een vakantieschetsboek maakt en welke technieken je kunt toepassen voor een snelle of juist uitgebreidere schets. De lessen worden zowel in mijn atelier als ook buiten gegeven. Onderwerp zijn: Welk motief kies ik en hoe zet ik dit om op papier? Welk materiaal is handig om mee te nemen op vakantie en welke papiersoorten kan ik het beste gebruiken? Buiten wordt gewerkt met korte opdrachten, aansluitend wordt het werk besproken. Voor wie daar belangstelling voor heeft is er ook uitleg over het tekenen op de smartphone. Aan het eind van de cursus weet je hoe je tijdens je vakantie een reisverslag op papier kunt maken. Ervaring is niet nodig, de lessen zijn geschikt voor beginners en gevorderden. meld je aan

Nieuwe data workshop: 25 & 26 juli | 29 & 30 augustus 2020


whats going on

Ambassador of the Netherlands visits artwork – Homage to Karel Appel in Lima

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Ambassador Nathalie Lintvelt of the Dutch Embassy in Lima visited the mural that artist Stephanie Rhode created in early August in collaboration with a large group of very enthusiastic children from Villa El Salvador. Villa El Salvador is a suburb, and former slum, of Lima. As well as the partner city of Amstelveen.  More information can be found in this Pressrelease (Englisch), El Comercio,  Article (dutch) and Book Mural



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3 x Art_project Peru 2019

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End of July 2019

In the coming months, I will leave my studio on the Amstel to go to a studio in Peru to work on several art projects. At the invitation of X-Change Art Project in Lima, I received an artist-in-residence, which I am very excited about and would like to express my gratitude for. This opportunity gives me the possibility to focus solely on my artistic work for a while, on top of which I will being it in such a beautiful, colourful country with millennia-old culture. In my studio in Lima I will develop different designs, all revolving around my main theme of a “house”. The finished works will be presented at an exhibition early October in the artists’ quarter Barronco in Lima.

The first two weeks of August I create, together with adolescents and children from Villa El Salvador (VES), artistic designs and sketches…continue reading

whats going on

Humboldt Forum Berliner Schloss

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Kunst-am-Bau competition: The Humboldt Forum in the Berlin Palace.

The Humboldt Forum Berlin will open at the end of 2019. In 2018 I made a design for the Humboldt Forum together with my colleague, Wil van Blokland (nominated as the best 18 of the 135 submissions).


Five lime trees serve as “wish trees”. Wishes have been written onto 1443 strips of Chinese porcelain, and fastened to stainless steel cables in the crowns of the trees. The lime tree: the symbol of justice, love, peace, Heimat, a place of coming together. It is an expression of shared powers, and such, a gesture against violence and exclusion.

designed by: Wil van Blokland & Stephanie Rhode 2018